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Intermediate / Advanced
summer 2020 registration
Ages 12-19
Deposit due upon registration, $200 - by check only!
Please make checks payable to Montana Inc. and mail to 8800 Madeleine Drive, Baldwinsville 13027.
Checks will be held until August 1st to ensure no government cancellations are made due to COVID-19.
Balance of $450 is due August 3, 2020 - should be paid at the studio through check, cash, or credit.
Balances with checks can also be mailed at same above address.
No refunds will be made for any reason other than COVID-19, or other medical issues that include a doctors notice.
Intermediate/Advanced Summer Dance Intensive
August 3-14
This Intensive is for 3rd year level 1 students, level 2 and advanced level students, ages 12-19.
The Intensive runs 9:15-4:30, and will be capped at 20 students.
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